Friday, December 13, 2013


Where is yours?

You know what I mean. You step in the door and immediately take off your shoes, put your hair in a ponytail and go straight for the fridge. Its that place where you aren't obligated to perform for anyone and the peanut butter cookies don't count because Christina and Owen Hunt just broke up for the millionth time and Bailey is just too dark and twisty to handle right now. Home is where real life stops and you begin.

Do you have that place? Because lately I haven't been so sure.

Don't get me wrong.

As I type this I sit across the room from my roommate and best friend that is playing The Sims on Playstation 2 five days before her college graduation and I love it. This is all I need right now in this stage of my life. But what I am actually referencing is this place in my heart that longs for something deeper; that place I can be my truest self. As I continue along this road towards healing from some incredibly deep wounds, I can't help but think I've misplaced my home. What do you think?

My old youth pastor and now senior pastor of The Church of Eleven22, Joby Martin, once said that "direction, not intention, determines destination." So I ask you this tonight: Are you headed home? Honestly. Are you headed in the direction of your truest self, the biggest dreams your heart longs for (and was created for) when no one else is around? In other words:

Are you headed towards Jesus? Because He's headed towards you.

As crazy and "When a Stranger Calls" as that sounds, its true. He is an almost debonaire God that's deepest desire is to romance us to capture our full heart and attention so that we can get there. He's got eyes for us in that perfect, hold a stereo above your head outside my window, open the car door, tell me I'm Yours kind of way. The things you love most in this life that aren't full of sin are full of Him and His attempts at drawing you to Himself. So my next question is: Where do you see Him? 

If you ask me, I see Him in the everyday that only He and I seem to notice.

I see Him in the leaves that change in the Fall.

I see Him in the faces of my high school girls.

I see Him in the movie nights with my best friends.

I see Him in my brother becoming His man.

I see Him in the perfect timings, the "that was close"s, and "I'm glad I didn't"s.

I see Him everywhere and He wants that for you too. Reach out and touch Him today in the mundane and I promise your life won't be the same.

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